moonkissed's Journal

moonkissed's Journal


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9 entries this month

Why is Energy Only for those to Young to enjoy it?

13:44 Jan 29 2009
Times Read: 1,080

today i was perusing my yahoo groups as i tripped through my emails and i came across a question from a new mother of two(literally 2 in two in a year and a half's time!). i did my best to answer the most important part of her question. what follows is excerpts from her post and my response to her. for the record she also asked about intimacy but i think 2 kids under the age of two, well intimacy is out of the question and should perhaps be avoided in order to not have a third little bundle from Mr. Stork(bastard! j/k).

*anything in her passage which is asterisked was visually altered.

Hello everyone!!

Here is my question for those with children. Where do you find the energy??? lol.. i know you are all smiling in the least at this one. i still do when i think about my question. i knew motherhood was going to be a thankless job and i do so adore my position in life. i would not change it for the world. i did have a little more than my fair share of pregnancy as i had only 5 weeks between pregnancies. i have gained weight, achy alllllll the time, dropping dead on the bed at night, yank myself from my pillow each morning. i know all the usual answers... take vitamins, exercise, eat better.... i think what i am hoping for are maybe a few shared happy tales that include changes you made in your life and how they made things better.

Now, seems extra energy is an extinct species from the past. i get angry at myself when i lay in bed too tired to move and i remember how i would do so many fun and fulfilling activities for Hubby* and for me. i remember being so excited that while it required so much energy on my part i LOVED to do them and found the energy somehow (i worked outside of the home then). Now, i work as the mom of the house. i worry. Is it because it is not fulfilling to me anymore? Oh i hope not... i love being a mom…. It just takes it out of me. i so do want to do the fun extra things for Hubby* but i literally just fall off my feet into bed after the last baby has been tucked into bed...

Help me please!! Can you share with me some helpful advice? Thank you to all who find the time to respond.



my response:

hi, i am sorry i am late to the party.

my kids are older now 13 and 11.

i had just finished nursing one and got pregnant with the other. things that i found relieved the stress and helped me not go crazy.

1. i fell in love with Steve Burns!

Blues Clues was a Godsend.

of course anything will work.

my recommendation is educational but entertaining kids television in the morning for the older one. Nick Jr if they still have it or Playhouse Disney. Radio Disney is good too.

if you don't have cable, then go Public Broadcasting in the mornings.

this will enable you to corral the older one while possibly getting a little more much needed rest.

2. develop a sense of humor.

while grape juice spilled on the carpet is not funny, the looks on their little faces when they do it is. also sometimes it is just fun to go crazy and throw clothing or papers all over the living room, as long as you work together to pick it back up.

3. relax. nothing is so important that it can't wait. trying to rush around wears you out and stresses out the kids. take your time in everything you do.

4. become an appreciator of art.

one of the cutest things my son did as a baby was to draw a picture of Face from Nick Jr on the underside of the coffee table with black marker. when he was 10 i was STILL showing it to people.

5. nap when they nap. when my daughter was a baby she would wake in the night just to play and her father would pitch a fit until i went to get her. i would put a blanket on the floor in the living room with some toys and turn on the tv with sound muted just for the light. it is kind of a sleepy light. i would snooze while she played.

i always woke to find her sleeping next to me or on top of me.

OK so there's 5. i also have a poem to share here a little later(right now Hubby is home sick, so i must use my time wisely).

it is regarding children and a messy home :)

hugs girl, me




Tucson police outraged by album cover photo of slain officer

20:51 Jan 24 2009
Times Read: 1,096

this article was brought to my attention by a friend and I have pulled this portion of the article from AZCentral.com. It was written be Ed Masely of The Arizona Republic

A Tucson punk band called the Awful Truth has outraged local police after using a photo of slain police officer Erik Hite to illustrate the cover of their latest album, Kill a Cop For God.

According to a story in the Arizona Daily Star, the cover shot, which shows Hite lying wounded on the ground, is a Daily Star news photo used without permission.

The album includes a tribute to "cop killers," mentioning John Montenegro Cruz, who killed Tucson police officer Patrick Hardesty in 2003, and David Delich, Hite's accused killer.

The band's lead singer David Stine told the Star, "It's a pretty serious picture, and the topic itself is, too. It's really dark humor, and as much as anybody else, we don't particularly like cops, so we made a song about it."

The singer also said he does not apologize to anyone it may have offended.

That would include the police.

As Tucson Police Capt. Clayton Kidd asked in the Daily Star, "What part of an officer giving his life is humorous? I ask for the community's support in recognizing this is an absolute disgrace to Officer Hite, who gave his life defending out community. While they may have certain beliefs that they want to express, the venue in which they expressed it is disgusting and I'm outraged."


A petition has been lodged in support of The Arizona Daily Star and Lee Enterprises to proceed with a civil lawsuit on the matter. i can provide that link and the accompanying article should anyone desire that i do so.



01:29 Jan 26 2009

since the 70's, punks have knocked establishment, claiming the dole and not trying to make any positive change. they're leeches.


it's not 'rock&roll'.. it's parasitic.

07:24 Jan 26 2009

when i heard about this it purely made me want to puke. i am all about fuck the rules. this was not a statement though as you pointed out Angelus.

it was a call for pure violence on one human being from another and for no cause.



19:45 Jan 24 2009
Times Read: 1,098

Well I just learned something that completely pissed me off! My power bill has been high the last two months, $158 for November $210 for December.

They charged us for 35 days in December.

We have been sitting here in the cold and the dark for the last month only using the lights and heat when absolutely necessary and why?

I just learned that we(the people who receive their power from blue Ridge)are paying for the Anderson Christmas lights. No one ever told me this. Apparently they cannot use tax dollars to pay for the city decorations so it comes out of the pockets of the consumer.

Damn, it would have been nice to actually see what they used our money for.



21:54 Jan 24 2009

Gotta love what utility companies can get away with....

22:01 Jan 24 2009

damn co-ops *grumbles


18:10 Jan 24 2009
Times Read: 1,100

Me and the Hubby finally got in a little quality time this week, which was nice but by the time He left Thursday morning for work i was already beginning to feel the effects of a migraine.

So my schedule is all screwed up, I didn't get to spend near as much time online as i like too, in fact defeated spent more time on than i did. He is researching "pro-mode" on Resident Evil 4 by watching hours of youtube ugh.

The kids finally got to see Evil Dead, a fine cult slasher film I must say! LOL

They have already seen Army of Darkness so many times that key phrases have become inside family jokes, they needed to see Ash's humble beginnings. daughter said there was to much blood and she couldn't stand the way they screamed. defeated watched it twice at least.

Ok, so report cards...dun dun dun dun!

defeated1 first;

Pre-Al: puts forth effort(really?)B(same as last time)

Language Arts: does not work up to potential(does he ever? c'mon if he did, he would always get A's)up four points but still a C.

Science: has a positive attitude, B

Social Studies: Excellent Student(oh really?)down from a B to a C

Math Enrichment: B


and now he is in art like he needs to be! woo hoo!

Now daughter;

Art: Satisfactory

Music: Satisfactory

Math: up from a D to a C fabulous!

PE: Satisfactory

Reading: B

Science: B

Social Studies: down from a B to a C(someone needs to study)

Written Expression: up from a B to an A!

All in all I am satisfied. They are both doing well in this school. Daughter is fitting in well with her new southern accent, LOL and defeated1 is still letting people think whatever they want to think about him. Screw them if they want to judge him by what they see instead of what they know.




another day

06:12 Jan 24 2009
Times Read: 1,102

oh last night my head ached fiercely.

i got to sleep finally around two and then forced myself to get my lazy butt out of bed before 10.

i kept the headache at bay most of the day with occasional cups of strong sugary coffee.

it got really bad again around 5 tonight so i took my Valerian to knock it back and then around 11 my last two sleeping pills. i think i am getting drowsy now. so the plan for tomorrow is this...sleep until i wake up or until the phone rings. i wish i could turn it off. do as little as possible all day long and maybe just maybe have a good night when my Husband gets home.




Peanut butter recall

17:59 Jan 17 2009
Times Read: 1,111


WASHINGTON – First it was bulk peanut butter shipped to nursing homes and institutional cafeterias. Now the salmonella case has touched the Kellogg Co., which has recalled 16 products as federal officials confirm contamination at a Georgia facility that sent peanut products to 85 food companies

Kellogg had asked stores this week to pull some of its Keebler crackers from shelves as a precaution. But in a statement late Friday, the Battle Creek, Mich., company said voluntarily was recalling the crackers and other products.

The nationwide outbreak has sickened hundreds of people in 43 states and killed at least six.

(to learn more please use the link)




back from vacation

23:55 Jan 16 2009
Times Read: 1,121

i am back...officially. i will be online 2 nights and 3 days a week, more if my Husband allows it. the struggle continues. due to the bad news prior to His vacation He did not relax.

Nope, not a bit. instead He worried about the coming months.

i did the math and determined that if i make a few changes we will fall short $200 a month unless we find another source of income.

i am trying to get Him to allow me to work on His days off. i am also considering publishing some articles, stories and recipes in places that pay for submissions.

Post Mortem deleted His profile(yes on purpose)during His vacation. that does not mean He is not still around, i believe the beauty of being a vampire is the ability to blend anonymously into a crowd. ha! enough said there. i plan to as i have said before be more open about my feelings and the goings on in my life.

when my Husband comes home Saturday night He has ordered me to pamper Him; against His will if necessary. i will be dressed pretty, dinner will be ready, the house will be clean and He will receive a full head to toe body massage.




I do not remember where I was going with this.

16:33 Jan 04 2009
Times Read: 1,141

last night i was beseeched by a friend on here, "please talk to me on messenger". so i did.

i needed some conversation, right now the situation around here is bleak at best.

imagine my disappointment when the friend turned out to be a religious fanatic going on about the bible, angels and demons(i am sorry hon if you read this and are hurt but....i do think you are very nice to talk to normally). i do not proselytize about my faith. i also do not agree that a person should shove their faith down another persons throat, bringing to mind the force feeding of religion...gag reflex. and that image has caused my train of thought to leave without me...shit.

this train doesn't come around often enough for me to be able to just miss them like that.

*sits down and impatiently lights a smoke, waiting for the next train of thought...tap tap tap



19:11 Jan 04 2009

How dissapointing..

22:52 Jan 04 2009

tell me about it.

02:11 Jan 05 2009


19:45 Jan 16 2009

That really chaffs my hind, I end up telling them exactly why I don't

Care for their Reiligion, though I know why faith is so important for the individual.. it is not about how many people they can convert,

One simple question to ask them" What is in it for them, if you decided to convert?" Insist they answer that question, they will begin back peddling from conversation. So why draw you off the site? Using

tactics like that is very telling.

*Puts head on track to listen for next train..


my year in review

05:09 Jan 04 2009
Times Read: 1,143

happily the holidays are over.

we survived another year and in one more month we will be celebrating a full one year in this house. it has been quite a year.

last year at this time i was starting my new job at Jackson Hewitt doing taxes. at the end of January we moved from the city to the country, thank goodness. my son was failing all subjects and my daughter wasn't doing much better.

the year before they had missed more than half a years curriculum because of the move here and the teachers in the city did not uphold their promise to help them catch up.

my car was totalled in an accident in March.

i had only gotten liability coverage on the car and because the driver who caused the accident had left the scene i was found at fault.

i was given two traffic citations which i could not pay because without a car i had no income.

my license was officially suspended in October.

i became a full time stay at home mom for the first time since my kids were babies. i worked on trying to improve the quality of my family's diet and trying to be a good mom. the income for the household with me not working is barely sufficient. Post works damn hard and makes good money too but after taxes and child support(trust me He is getting reamed on that one)we are left in some pretty dire straits.

Post works roughly 60 miles from here and when gas prices went above $3.50 a gallon He started sleeping at work every week.

between the financial issues, the heat(AC broke), my concerns over His blood sugar and impending worries concerning preparing the kids for school; the summer was extremely stressful. summer into fall, my son got his first girlfriend. things were looking OK for him.

then they broke up. kids will be kids and i cannot hold her responsible for the actions of other children but after they split some of her friends began to make life difficult for him.

his coat would disappear or his book bag would be thrown across the classroom. i will not permit him to be violent with anyone and with no witnesses or proof we couldn't do anything.

his grades took a nose dive.

my daughter in comparison is doing very well. aside from her remaining trauma from life with her father and the last time she saw him, she is bearing up really well.

yes gas prices dropped but things did not get easier around here. the car went nearly a year with no maintenance at all, we could not afford it. there were times that we couldn't even buy groceries. i made myself pretty sick refusing to eat until after everyone else was seen to.

so we caught up some.

Thanksgiving plans with his mother fell through and through the kindness and thoughtfulness of Post's co workers we had a turkey and trimmings. they see how hard He works.

i love truck drivers. we were pretty sure that we would not be doing Christmas.

again we got lucky or blessed.

friends of ours took care of Christmas things for the kids and even took my daughter shopping. my sons guidance counselor put us on the list for a local church to provide gifts and groceries. again the truck drivers came through, another turkey and gifts. that puts me in tears.

good people...Post's mother came by on Christmas day for a visit. that was really good. we needed good news. Post had just had His yearly review at work, it was glowing too.

then the first shoe dropped, raises have been suspended until June. we needed it bad but it's OK He told them"I'm just happy to have a job." on New Years Eve He had more news, hours have been cut until further notice.

yeah this is bad and it could be worse i know. we will get by.

so now anyone still reading is wanting to know, why the abridged condensed version of my year in review? well i will tell you why since you are still here. there have been many times over the year that i shut down and just stopped communicating. the only friends i spoke to were the ones who called. of course the whole year wasn't bad or good, there was a touch of both in all things. through everything this family never caved in on itself. i know the kids might argue that but the fact is that grown ups get frustrated. Post and me never once went after each other though. instead when He was upset and i was scared i just hugged Him.

we talked it out and somehow something always came through. i was afraid to tell friends or family about our money troubles. i left a bad relationship 2 years ago and came out here on faith. all i wanted was something better for us.

i know we are struggling but this is still better somehow, people in this house love each other. it was in my opinion unacceptable for me to cut my friends and family out of my life at the times when i needed them the most.

i should have trusted them and for not giving them that, i am sorry. i vow from here on that i will speak out when i need to.

the only thing that will shut me up is losing my internet.



19:53 Jan 16 2009

You did it.. You did it together, You are close to exact in describing my home life growing up.

What you didn't do is just as important as what you did do, you didn't transfer the stress to sensless outbreaks.

02:00 Jan 17 2009

thank you dab. we try really hard every day to keep things ok for the kids. they need to see the right way to do things and frankly neither of us can see the point of falling apart and fighting each other when what we really need to do is pull togethor.

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